Bolshoi Theatre, in Moscow
This Spring I was invited to perform at Spivakov’s International Festival “Moscow Meets Friends”, in Russia. This is a gigantic festival that involves thousands of child performers age 18 and under from all of the world, performing in venues all over Moscow almost every day for a month. First I performed in the Beethoven Hall of the Bolshoi Theatre! WOW what a beautiful theatre, very personal but with unbelievable acoustics. Some of the other winners of the Nutcracker Competition were also performing that night, so I had a chance to see some of my friends that I had met earlier in the year. The second concert was in the Moscow International House of Music. I played the first movement of Chopin’s second concerto with the Lerman Chamber Orchestra. This was a very fun concert: there were large groups of dancers, circus acts, singing groups, and of course the orchestra and several soloists.

Performing in Moscow

Moscow Meets Friends concert
This was my second time going to Moscow, and I plead it won’t be my last! First of all the subway system is like a fancy museum; each stop being like a separate exhibit. Save an extra ten minutes for the super long and deep escalators going down to the trains! If you have a chance to make your way to the Red Square, you will feel like you are transported to another world. The last time I came to the Red Square (in December), there was an ice skating rink, snow, and it was very cold. This time there was sun, an orchestra, and lots of food. One of the days we also went to a stunning Georgian Restaurant, that looked like it was in a cave. I thought I was getting tired of traveling before this trip, but in the end I didn’t want to leave.
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Dear Maxim!
Be assured that I do read your blog and excellent travelogue describing adventures and places
you visit. The description of Moscow’s subterranean transport system and escalator descent to
each interesting stop is fascinating! The description of the Georgian cavernous restaurant is
especially interesting. Red Square in the sunlight must be breathtaking! The street food is
enticing. Love your writing! Keep it up!
In my imagination I am transported to your various destinations.
Chatted with a couple of guys from Kaazakhstan working in local supermarket for the summer,
they are familiar with Postnikov and amazed that I know who he is. Thank you
Best wishes, friend,
Comment by Marco Marinelli — July 21, 2016 @ 2:12 PM