Posted by Maxim Lando, on Aug 30, 2016

maxim-performing-in-dinardI was one of four young pianists invited by Ramzi Yassa and Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy to attend masterclasses and perform at the 27th Festival International de Musique, in Dinard, France. This was such a wonderful experience for a number of reasons. First of all I always love working with Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy, and I was very happy to have the opportunity to meet and play for Ramzi Yassa. I also really enjoyed the company of the other three pianists, all who I have met before and consider good friends.

The music making was great fun, and the final concert went very well (the audience was also very friendly and extremely enthusiastic).

dinard-2So what could be better? Well, the location was pretty amazing! Dinard is considered among the most famous seaside resorts in Europe. The city lies on the left bank of the River Rance (the English Channel) facing Saint-Malo in the area of France that is called Brittany. The town and the beaches were so beautiful and water was… how can I say? Oh, yes, now I remember: ABSOLUTELY FREEZING!!! All in all, a great visit.


1 Comment

  1. Hi, Maxim! Looks like you’ve been very busy! I’m so happy for your phenomenal successes in the music world! We are all so proud of you! –TPJ&M

    Comment by Theresa Nardo — October 10, 2016 @ 9:19 PM

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