Posted by Maxim Lando, on Oct 21, 2013

You know how much I want my friends and other kids my age to love classical music. Well last spring I started working on a video series with an amazing ventriloquist, Jonathan Geffner, and Rachel Shelton, a former student of my mom.

The idea of our series is to talk about music in a fun way and show different kids and adults playing and loving classical music. Maybe kids watching will get interested and share classical music with their friends! Millions of kids could start making the world a more caring place by sharing music and art. Well, you never know…

Here is our first video of the series. What do you think?

1 Comment

  1. I love it! I hope you will produce more videos. Your talent is astonishing (something you probably hear a lot) but I also love how infectious your joy for music is. And you seem to have a good heart, too. I think that with that mixture of great attributes there is nothing you couldn’t succeed at, if you want to.

    Comment by jenithea — March 16, 2014 @ 5:55 PM

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